They won the lottery but their joy was not complete

They won the lottery but their joy was not complete

British lottery organizations have refused to pay four million pounds to winners because of the money they bought in the lottery paper.

The lottery program accused the couple, Mark Godarm, 36, and John Ross Watson, 31, of stealing the credit card they used to buy the lottery paper.

The Daily Mail newspaper said doubts were circulating about the source of money they had bought because they did not own one bank account.

The couple could not explain the origin of the credit card that the winning ticket had been paid, but one claimed to belong to a friend named John.

After asking members of the lottery program about his place, their answer was "He went to northern England."

The justification was not enough to convince the lottery organizers, according to one of them, the reason for them for the impossibility of paying the amount of the win for the couple.

Remarkably, the regulators could not justify their decision legally, but they confirmed that the stolen money could not be accepted in the lottery program.