The Whitney Museum in New York is gradually reopening its doors

The Whitney Museum in New York is gradually reopening its doors

After nearly six months of closure due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York reopened its doors to the general public, while visitors have already begun to flock to the museum in Manhattan.

Tickets must now be booked online in advance, and fewer numbers are allowed into exhibition rooms simultaneously. Visitors can expect regular hygiene rules, social distancing and masks.

Almost all New York museums have been closed since March, but since late August the authorities have formally allowed museums to reopen under strict conditions, but gradually.

Before the Whitney Museum, the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum, among others, had already reopened their doors. The Guggenheim Museum plans to follow suit on October 3.

The city´s culture industry, which was one of the epicenters of the global outbreak in the spring, has been hit hard by the pandemic.

The sculptor Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney founded the Whitney Museum in 1930 to support the work of living American painters.