The White House: Democrats launched an "embarrassing and arbitrary" inquiry into Trump

The White House: Democrats launched an "embarrassing and arbitrary" inquiry into Trump

The White House has attacked President Donald Trump´s Democrats in the House of Representatives for launching a "walk-and-go" investigation into allegations that the president has been hampered and abused.

"Today the chairman of the Judicial Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, Nadler, has launched an embarrassing and arbitrary investigation into misleading and false allegations that the Special Prosecutor and the Congressional committees have already investigated," US presidential spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a statement.

"Nadler and his fellow Democrats have sprung up in this fishing campaign because they are terrified that their two-year false account of complicity with Russia is collapsing," she said.

Trump personally commented on the investigation by saying that he was "empty" and confirmed at the same time that he would cooperate with him.

Trump´s comment came after the Judicial Commission in the House of Representatives launched a new investigation in the surrounding department, asking for documents from dozens of people, including Donald Jr. and Eric, and his brother-in-law Jared Kouchner.

Democratic Commission Chairman Jerry Nadler has sent letters to 81 people and entities in the district surrounding Mr Tramp and former people who may have information about the investigation, amid attempts by deputies opposed to hold the president and his aides accountable for possible irregularities.

The request is the most serious escalation of investigations into the Republican president since the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives in early January and is aimed at revealing whether Trump or his administration has been involved in obstructing justice, public corruption cases or any other form of abuse of power .

The investigation appears to focus on Trump´s financial dealings, the possibility of his complicity with Russia, and allegations of obstruction of justice. It also addresses allegations of violations of campaign finance laws and possible violations of the constitutional ban on foreign financial allocations.

The letters include requests for information about a meeting in June 2016 at the Trump Tower in which Kouchner and Trump Jr., former Trump campaign manager Paul Manavort, a Russian lawyer who is close to the Kremlin, documents on the dismissal of the FBI director (FBI) James Komi.

The broad new investigation could pave the way for the possibility of starting the investigation proceedings with Trump in order to isolate him.