The weekly demonstration in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood against settlement continues for ten years

The weekly demonstration in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood against settlement continues for ten years

 The weekly demonstration in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem has been going on for ten years to protest against the settlement activities and the takeover of settlement societies by a number of Arab homes in the neighborhood and the threats targeting other houses to seize it.

Participants in the demonstration this afternoon, Jerusalem citizens, foreign solidarity activists and peace activists, raised the Palestinian flag and slogans in the Arabic, English and Hebrew languages ​​saying "No to the occupation"

Saleh Diab of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood committee said that the demonstration was continuous and organized weekly ten years ago against the eviction of homes and settlements and the Judaization of Jerusalem in response to the deal of the century, adding that the demonstration took place amid the presence of the Israeli security forces.

On the ninth of this month, the Israeli court is scheduled to hear the case of one of the Jerusalemite families who are threatened with deportation from the neighborhood, on the pretext that the house in which they reside is not owned by them, but rather belongs to the settlement associations.

The suffering of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood began with the settlements since the occupation of the Holy City in 1967, as settlers gradually took over homes and turned them into outposts.