The Sypsons. Did the show predict Corona 27 years ago?

The Sypsons. Did the show predict Corona 27 years ago?

American billionaire Bill Gates was not the only one to have predicted the emergence of a deadly virus in China before it spread to several countries and became an international threat.

According to press reports, the controversial popular cartoon series, "The Simpsons" predicted the spread of the virus 27 years ago, in another strange phenomenon linked to the series that received great attention on social networking sites.

The British newspaper "Mirror" said that many of the series´ fans are confident that the series has predicted the spread of "Corona Virus", after they recycled an old episode dating back to 1993.

Tweeters on Twitter posted photos and videos, comparing the virus that the episode talked with, and the "Corona" virus, which has so far killed 259 people, all in China, out of thousands of infected people.

And the stars of the series at the time were talking about an outbreak of a virus called "Oska Flow" in an American town, after it came to it from Japan.

The fans of the American series insisted on linking the two, although the episode "The Simpsons" spoke about Japan, not China, as in the case of "Corona".

One of the photos shows a factory worker in Japan coughing inside goods packed in a box before sending them to the United States, where Americans have experienced symptoms similar to the one caused by the current virus.

"The Simpsons In 1993, this twisted series predicted the Corona virus. I am very surprised," he wrote.

The series, which has completed 30 years of successive shows on American television, has suspiciously predicted many events, such as Donald Trump´s victory in the US presidential election and the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Source: Sky News Arabia