The settlers target hundreds of trees in the lands of Bethlehem

The settlers target hundreds of trees in the lands of Bethlehem

 herds of settlers escalated their attacks on citizens ’lands and cut down fruit trees in the Bethlehem governorate. Today, Saturday, according to Hassan Brijieh, director of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority in the governorate, they cut hundreds of olive trees in Lands located between the governorates of Bethlehem and Hebron.

Brijah said: The settlers cut about 300 olive trees in the lands of the Al-Qanoub area, near the “Asfar” settlement, and belonged to Samir Abed al-Shalaldeh.

Three days before that, a land of farmers from the town of Al-Khader Hisham Subaih was subjected to similar aggression, as he was surprised upon entering his land by demolishing settlers, 40 vine trees and 10 olive trees, located in the "plain of stoning", near the settlement of "Gush Asiun" perched on the lands of citizens.

Sobeih added: This attack is not the first of its kind, but occurred in previous times, stressing that the settlers are taking advantage of the general situation that the Bethlehem Governorate is going through and sabotaging the lands, trees and crops of citizens.

It is noteworthy that during the past weeks, settlers cut down hundreds of olive and grapevine trees in the town of Al-Khader, built a road and paved it, and set up barracks in the Khlet Al-Nahleh area, which is adjacent to the village of Wadi Rahal in the south.

It is noteworthy that during the past weeks, settlers escalated their attacks on farmers and their lands in the south and west of Bethlehem from the lands of Al-Khader, Husan, Nahhalin, Fukin Valley, and Artas. More than 2,800 fruit trees, mostly olive and grapevine, were cut down, according to Hassan Brijah, who indicated that the settlers were carrying out their attacks. Under the protection of the occupation army.