The settlers storm a house in the old city of Hebron

The settlers storm a house in the old city of Hebron

A number of Jewish settlers stormed the house of a citizen located in the popular Kasbah market in the Old City of Hebron

The director of the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee explained a. Imad Hamdan that the house was stormed by reaching it from the roof, as it is located along the "Abraham Avenue" outpost, by protecting the occupying soldiers in the military watchtower located on the roof of the house, and that settlers are currently carrying out work that does not know what it is.

Hamdan said that the aforementioned house belongs to the Arafat family and has been closed by military order for more than twenty years on the pretext of its attachment to the outpost. He was stormed several times in previous times and the intruders carried out work to change its features, such as changing doors and windows.

Hamdan also indicated that the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee had in previous times assisted the owners of the house in submitting complaints and other necessary legal measures against the intruders, as they were evacuated from the house at the time, adding that the Reconstruction Committee will not fail to provide all forms of legal support and support to the owners of the house, noting Until the closed houses by military orders or that the occupation prevents the reconstruction committee from repairing, it faces the risk of collapse as well as the threat of looting and Judaization by the settlers, considering the occupation army and the so-called civil administration as the biggest obstacle to carrying out the restoration work in many homes, mosques and angles, especially those It is located in the areas close to the points of contact with the outposts, such as the settlement of Hasba, the settlement of Al-Dobawiya, the settlement of Madrasa Osama, and others.