The Rock and his family are infected with Corona

The Rock and his family are infected with Corona

 Hollywood actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson announced Wednesday that he and his family are infected with the new Corona virus, according to what tests have been conducted for them, but he reassured their health and called on his fans to wear masks. To protect themselves.

"My wife Lorne, as well as my two daughters and me," said "The Rock" in a video posted on "Instagram".

The 48-year-old actor, who specializes in action films, added, "This was one of the most difficult things that we as a family had to face (...) but I am happy to tell you that we are fine, and we are no longer in the stage of infection, and we, thank God, are in good health." .

The "Rock", who ranked first in the ranking of the highest paid actors in Hollywood for the second year in a row, said that the infection had been transmitted to his family from very close friends.

From this standpoint, he urged his lovers to be careful, advising them not to receive anyone unless the tests showed that he did not carry the Corona virus.

He said, "Put on masks" and "boost your immune system with vitamins and antioxidants."