The removal of a teacher from al-Aqsa and the summoning of a child to investigate

The removal of a teacher from al-Aqsa and the summoning of a child to investigate

Israeli occupation authorities on Wednesday handed over teacher Khadija Khois a decision to distance herself from the Al-Aqsa mosque for six months after being summoned for questioning at a detention center and the investigation of "Qashla" in Old Jerusalem.

Khois has long been arrested and removed for long periods from Old Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Israeli occupation forces also called on the child Abdul Rahman Bilal Mahmoud (11 years) to investigate after breaking into his home in the town of Issawiya in the center of occupied Jerusalem, and the arrest of his brother Hassan.

The Israeli occupation forces arrested at dawn today about 20 Qudsia from the town of Issawiya, including children, and the citizen Mohammed Hussein Ali Derbas (56 years).