The President to Blinken: We demand an end to the aggression against our people and to accelerate the provision of humanitarian aid

The President to Blinken: We demand an end to the aggression against our people and to accelerate the provision of humanitarian aid

There are no words to describe the war of genocide and destruction to which our people are subjected in Gaza

We categorically reject the displacement of our people outside Gaza, the West Bank or Jerusalem

Military and security solutions will not bring security to Israel

Security and peace are achieved by ending the occupation of the land of the State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital

- The PLO is the sole legitimate representative of our people and the decision-maker regarding everything that concerns them

Today, Sunday, President Mahmoud Abbas received US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah.

During the meeting, the President called for an immediate halt to the devastating war, and to accelerate the provision of humanitarian aid, including medical, food, water, electricity, and fuel, to the Gaza Strip.

The President said, "We meet again in extremely difficult circumstances, and there are no words to describe the war of genocide and destruction to which our Palestinian people are exposed in Gaza at the hands of the Israeli war machine, without regard to the rules of international law."

The president added: How can we remain silent about the killing of ten thousand Palestinians, including four thousand children, tens of thousands of wounded, and the destruction of tens of thousands of housing units, infrastructure, hospitals, shelter centers and water tanks?

The President once again warned against the displacement of our Palestinian people outside Gaza, the West Bank or Jerusalem, stressing that we categorically reject that.

He pointed out that what is happening in the West Bank and Jerusalem is no less horrific, in terms of killing and attacks on land, people and sanctities, at the hands of the occupation forces and terrorist settlers, who are committing crimes of ethnic cleansing and racial discrimination, and pirating the funds of the Palestinian people.

The President held the Israeli occupation authorities fully responsible for what is happening, stressing that military and security solutions will not bring security to Israel, and we demand that “they stop committing these crimes immediately.”

He stressed that security and peace are achieved by ending the Israeli occupation of the land of the State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the 1967 borders.

The President stressed that the Gaza Strip is an integral part of the State of Palestine, and we will bear our full responsibilities within the framework of a comprehensive political solution for both the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

He reaffirmed that the Palestine Liberation Organization is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and it is the decision maker on everything related to the Palestinian people.