The occupation threatens to demolish an apartment building and two houses north of Nablus

The occupation threatens to demolish an apartment building and two houses north of Nablus

Today, Monday, the Israeli occupation forces notified the demolition of an apartment building and two houses, in the northern town of Asira, north of Nablus.

The head of Asira al-Shamaliyah, Hazem Yassin, told the official agency that the Israeli occupation forces stormed the area at the entrance to the town, and delivered notices to demolish a seven-storey residential building belonging to Muhammad Shawali, in addition to demolishing two homes belonging to Nabil and Badr Hammadena.

Yassin confirmed that the residential building and the two houses are located in the area classified "C" according to the Oslo agreement, but they are part of the town’s structural plan, and they have a license from the municipality, indicating that 12 families will be displaced if the occupation forces run out of the demolition decision, in addition to the heavy material losses. On the first floor of the building there are five shops.