The occupation suppresses a stand of support for the people of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighborhoods in occupied Jerusalem

The occupation suppresses a stand of support for the people of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighborhoods in occupied Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation forces suppressed this evening, Saturday evening, a protest against the continuous Israeli aggression against the residents of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighborhoods in occupied Jerusalem.

Eyewitnesses reported that the occupation forces beat the participants in the sit-in at the entrance to the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and fired stun grenades at them, and dispersed them by force.

 A member of the “Fatah” movement in Jerusalem, Ahed Al-Rishq, said that the stand was to demand an end to the continuous aggression against the residents of the neighborhood, and to stop restricting the movement of citizens.

He added: The stand today confirms that our people stand united in defending our land and supporting our people in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighborhoods, in their battle with the occupation and its settlers.

And the Israeli occupation, with its various arms, turned the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem into a military outpost, narrowing the people and preventing them from moving freely.

The residents of the Sheikh neighborhood are facing the threat of a new catastrophe after the occupation authorities notified a number of families to vacate their homes, to replace them with settlers.

The occupation plans to expand settlement projects in the neighborhood, with the aim of encircling the Old City, and infiltrating Palestinian neighborhoods with settlement construction