The occupation suppresses a sit-in in Issawiya

The occupation suppresses a sit-in in Issawiya

Israeli forces suppressed a sit-in organized by residents of al-Issawiya village after Friday prayers.

After the sit-in, the residents marched with the participation of foreign solidarity activists towards Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the weekly pause that is organized there to protest the settlement activity in the neighborhood.

MP Ahmed Tibi, head of the Jerusalem Committee in the joint list, condemned the attack by the Israeli occupation forces against the participants in the sit-in and said, after the prayer there was a clear provocation by the police, where they assaulted all of us, but this will never deter us from continuing to be there and stand by the people of Issawiya Even lifting repressive and racist measures against them.

On Friday, Sheikh Naim Muheisen, the imam of the Martyrs´ Mosque, gave a glimpse of the town of Issawiya and the Israeli practices suffered by the town against its people and residents, pointing out that the town is besieged from all sides and that the Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital reside on the village lands. From the persistence of the Israeli police and their attacks, which no one was spared, whether child, woman or old.

Khader Obeid, one of the village elders, spoke about the injustice suffered by Al-Isawiya students on the eve of the opening of the school year due to the storming of the town.

The foreign solidarity Dina announced the intention of foreign solidarity with the people of Issawiya to provide protection for them.