The occupation prevents the construction of an agricultural road in the village of Jaloud, south of Nablus

The occupation prevents the construction of an agricultural road in the village of Jaloud, south of Nablus

Today, Tuesday, the occupation forces prevented the construction of an agricultural road in the village of Jaloud, southeast of Nablus, which is being implemented with funding from the United Nations Humanitarian Fund through Palestinian Agricultural Relief and in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Village Council.

The head of the village council, Abdullah Hajj Muhammad, said that the road that was being paved was behind Jaloud Secondary School in the southern region of the village, which is an area that is constantly exposed to settler attacks, the most recent of which was last year when settlers set fire to hundreds of dunams planted with olives, which led To burn about a thousand trees.

He explained that the road is 550 meters long and 6 meters wide, and all of it passes through 40 dunums of land belonging to the village council, adding that

The aim of constructing the agricultural road is to enable dozens of farmers to reach their olive fields in the area.

Al-Hajj Muhammad indicated that the village council, the contractor and the workers were able to withdraw the machinery that works on the road construction only 10 minutes before the arrival of the occupation forces, and thus prevented them from confiscating them.