The occupation police suppress a march against the killing of Iyad al-Hallaq in Jerusalem

The occupation police suppress a march against the killing of Iyad al-Hallaq in Jerusalem

The Israeli police in Occupied Jerusalem on Tuesday suppressed a march of Palestinian "readings", organized in protest of the killing of Palestinian youth Iyad Al-Hallaq at the end of last month by Israeli security forces.

One of the participants said that the march came to protest the field executions carried out by the Israeli occupation.

An AFP photographer said that Israeli police "pushed and beat the demonstrators" who had gathered in Salah al-Din Street in the city center, before dispersing them.

Dozens of Palestinian girls belonging to the Harak movement, "Talatat", participated in the demonstration, chanting slogans such as "Freedom, Freedom," and "Oh Iyad, and O, a martyr for our principles, we do not deviate."

The movement represents a group of Palestinian women who seek a "free, fair, and secure Palestinian society for its women and all its members," according to the Facebook page on the movement.

"The attack on us started before the march began, there was a Palestinian flag," the activist in the movement, Badour Hassan, told AFP.

According to Hassan, the Israeli police arrested at least three girls, and that the march was organized "against field executions carried out by the occupation," stressing that "Iyad was killed only because he was Palestinian."

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld denied to AFP that any arrests were made.

The march also targeted, according to the activist, "a national and comprehensive, against attempts to whitewash the occupation page and annexation plans."

On May 30, an Israeli police officer shot Iyad al-Hallaq, 32, with an autism spectrum, as he was traveling to his school for people with special needs in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem.