The occupation of several houses in Hebron

The occupation of several houses in Hebron

The occupation forces carried out today, Tuesday, raids and search operations in various neighborhoods in Hebron.

Security and local sources said to the official agency "Wafa" that the occupation forces raided several houses in the southern region of Hebron, in Bab al-Zawiya, and al-Hawooz, searched them, tampered with their contents, and knew from their owners: the prisoner Yusef Salhab whose furniture and some of his walls were destroyed, and his mother was assaulted Ataf Salhab, and family members.

The forces also raided the house of Nidal Muhammad Fawzi, in the suburb of the municipality, and destroyed and broke his furniture.

The towns and villages of Beit Awa, Deir al-Asal, and Beit al-Roche and Al-Bireh, southwest of the city, were raided.

The Israeli occupation soldiers set up a military roadblock at the entrance to the town of Idna in the west, and closed the entrance to Al-Aroub camp in the north, in front of the citizens and their vehicles.