The occupation launched a massive arrest campaign in the West Bank, targeting more than 90 citizens

The occupation launched a massive arrest campaign in the West Bank, targeting more than 90 citizens

 From yesterday evening until Friday dawn, the Israeli occupation forces launched a new arrest campaign in the West Bank, targeting more than 90 citizens, including a woman from Jenin who was arrested as a hostage, and two girls from Bethlehem and Jerusalem. 

The occupation forces executed the boy, Muhammad Ali Aziyah (17 years old), from Aida Camp in Bethlehem, after they shot him and prevented ambulance crews from reaching him, and detained him for hours, until his death was announced, and his body was later delivered. 

The authority and the club said that the arrest campaign was concentrated in the Arroub camp, north of Hebron, and affected at least (17) citizens, a group of whom were later released. This is the largest campaign carried out in the camp after the seventh of October. The arrests were also concentrated in the Bethlehem and Jenin governorates. Which witnessed a widespread aggression yesterday, and the rest of the arrests were distributed among the governorates of Nablus, Ramallah, Jerusalem, Tulkarm, Jericho, and the city of Dura. 

The arrest campaign was accompanied by widespread abuse, severe beatings, and threats against detainees and their families, and the use of a citizen as a human shield in Al-Fawwar camp, in addition to widespread sabotage and destruction of citizens’ homes, and the arrest of a group of citizens as hostages. The occupation also demolished the house of the two prisoners, Muhammad and Saqr Al-Shanter.

 Thus, the total number of arrests after the seventh of last October rose to about (2,400) cases, and this total includes those who were arrested from homes, through military checkpoints, those who were forced to surrender themselves under pressure, and those who were held hostage.

The ongoing arrest campaigns come within the framework of the comprehensive aggression against our people and the ongoing genocide in Gaza, after the seventh of last October. 

 It is noteworthy that the data related to arrest cases includes those who were kept in detention by the occupation, or those who were later released.