The occupation is releasing the Jerusalem prisoner Yasir Bastiti with conditions

The occupation is releasing the Jerusalem prisoner Yasir Bastiti with conditions

JERUSALEM _ Palestine News Network

JERUSALEM--Israeli occupation authorities on Thursday afternoon freed the Palestinian prisoner Yasser Ammar al-Basiti, 23, from the city´s old town on conditions, after spending his three-year sentence on the third day of Eid al-Adha.

Prior to his release, the administration of the Nafha prison, Yasser Al Bastiti, forced him to sign a decision to remove him from the Al-Aqsa Mosque for one month and the city of Jerusalem for one week and not to launch any ceremony to mark his release, while Jerusalem´s occupation intelligence contacted his father and informed him by telephone of the conditions for the release His son Yasir.

Bastiti was convicted of participating in several events at the Al-Aqsa mosque and of attacking settlers who had stormed the courtyard.

The prisoner greeted the captives from inside Nafha prison for our Palestinian people, demanding that efforts be made to stand against the Tarb deal, to recognize the city of Jerusalem as the capital of the occupying Power, to deport the residents of the Red Khan community and to demolish their homes.

Yasser said the captives in Nafha prison enjoyed high morale on the first day of Eid al-Adha, and had prepared baklava, biscuits and dates to celebrate Eid, and the families of Jerusalem prisoners visited their children on the second day.

The Department of Nafha prison stormed the sections on the first day of Eid al-Fitr, assaulted prisoners, transported 8 prisoners of cells and sprayed pepper gas in one of the 11 section rooms, then closed all sections and prevented them from celebrating Eid.

He said the prisoners had staged a protest against the administration of Nafha prison on the first day of Eid al-Adha for refusing to allow the family of Mohammed al-Aruri to visit him on Eid.

The detainee, Yasser al-Bastiti, was in the section of 12 and 81 prisoners, among them high-handed, and the prisoners in Jerusalem were optimistic that the release of the captives would be activated before the expiry of "Almenhlih" on the 10th December next month, according to Basti.

Yasser said he left prisoners in a state of precaution, caution and tension from the prison administration´s repression of the departments at any moment and the transfer of prisoners, as was the case in the Jalbil prison several days earlier.

The prisoner, Yasser Al Bastiti, was subjected to several arrests prior to his recent arrest at the occupation centres, and served his three-year sentence between the prisons of "Ishell and Ohalé Kidar in Beersheba, the Negev and Nafha".

Yasser stated that at the beginning of his arrest he had spent a month in the Russian cells during his interrogation, and that the investigators had exercised psychological pressure and deprived him of sleep for five consecutive days.

He added that the prison service had deprived his father of a one-year visit at the beginning of his detention, and allowed him to visit him after the prison was carried out on hunger strike, several protests and the return of food.

The prisoner, Yasser and other prisoners, was also denied visits to their relatives for two months when they participated in the raid on the sections of the occupation units.

In the occupation prisons, there are 480 prisoners of Jerusalem, including 60 minors.