The occupation is notified of the demolition of two residential buildings in Valley "Hummus" northeast of Bethlehem

The occupation is notified of the demolition of two residential buildings in Valley "Hummus" northeast of Bethlehem

The Israeli occupation authorities informed the Israeli occupation authorities, today, Saturday, of demolishing two residential buildings, in the Wadi al-Hummus area, northeast of Bethlehem.

The director of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority office in Bethlehem, Hassan Barijia, stated that each building consists of a settlement and a floor estimated at 200 square meters. Near the village of Dar Salah, east of Bethlehem.

It is noteworthy that the occupation authorities, a year ago, demolished dozens of homes in the Wadi al-Hummus area, as part of the policy of displacement and the seizure of land in favor of settlement expansion.