The occupation includes land from Qaryut to Area "C" in an unprecedented step

The occupation includes land from Qaryut to Area "C" in an unprecedented step

The Israeli Occupation Authorities have announced the expansion of Area C in the village of Qaryut, south of Nablus, at the expense of Area B in an unprecedented move by the Israeli occupation authorities. .

Bashar Al-Qaryouti told Al-Quds: "What is happening in Qaryout means expelling farmers from Area B and asking the farmers to coordinate in these areas in advance, even though it is administratively controlled by the Palestinian Authority. The farmers were treated by the settlers and the occupation as The settlers in the nearby settlements have prepared for this new decision, which enables them to confiscate them and not allow farmers to enter them, and set up tents in preparation for the establishment of outposts there. "

Al-Qaryouti added: "The area that was modified by the occupation is an area of" Batisheh "and an area of ​​700 dunums out of 1600 dunums, the remaining area of ​​Qaryut and neighboring villages after a series of confiscations of the surrounding settlements."

Al-Qaryouti added: "The new map issued by the Israeli Liaison Office shows the new amendments and the expansion of Area C at the expense of Area B. The occupation as a territory under his control is against the law, but the occupation does not recognize the law and tries to extend its influence to please the settlers. "

Firas Alami of the Yesh Din Foundation says in an interview: "What is happening in Qaryut is very dangerous and stems from a racist ideological view associated with the myth of the alleged structure, and during our follow-up to what is happening in Qaryut, it became clear that the quality of the settlers in the place have a racist and current view and aspire to expel the owners We have documented serious violations by the Israeli army and settlers against farmers, and these violations are serious, and there are legal follow-ups to prevent a catastrophe against farmers in the place. To areas near us Zulhm. "

Al-Qaryouti stressed that the occupation targets Qaryout because it succeeded recently during legal deliberations in the courts with the legal assistance of several institutions to reclaim areas of land that were confiscated by the neighboring settlements. The annexation of areas (B) comes in the context of revenge. It is dangerous in terms of geographic terms, where several settlements and the presence of Qaryut and the land of neighboring villages prevents real communication between the existing settlements. Araein and their land near their homes, in a move that carries with it an Israeli reaction to the Palestinian government decisions cancel the existing classifications of land and considered the whole land classification of "A" any subject to administrative and security to the Palestinian Authority. "