The occupation holds a family from Qaryut and prevents them from reaping almonds from their land near a settlement outpost

The occupation holds a family from Qaryut and prevents them from reaping almonds from their land near a settlement outpost

Israeli forces on Tuesday detained members of a family from the village of Qaryut, south of Nablus, and prevented them from reaching their land to reap almonds near a settlement outpost.

Bashar Al-Qaryouti, an activist in the Resistance Committees, said that members of the Jawhar family in the village of Qaryut went to reap almonds from their land near the outpost of Adi Aad, which was built over the village´s land.

He added that this work falls within the framework of further tightening the noose on the residents of the village as part of a plan to displace them and control the rest of their land.