The occupation forces suppress the weekly Kafr Qaddum march

The occupation forces suppress the weekly Kafr Qaddum march

The occupation forces suppressed the weekly Kafr Qaddum anti-settlement march and the demand to open the village street, which has been closed for more than 17 years, which came out in support of President Mahmoud Abbas in his efforts to achieve national unity.

The Popular Resistance Coordinator in Kafr Qaddum stated that the occupation army fired metal bullets, tear gas and sound bombs at the marchers, without causing any casualties.

Shteiwi explained that the march was launched carrying a message of appreciation for the president´s efforts to unify the Palestinian national ranks, at the same time appreciating all the outputs of the meeting of the general secretaries of the national and Islamic action factions, especially in forming a unified national committee to escalate popular resistance.

The march began with a wide participation of the townspeople, despite the intense heat, chanting national slogans rejecting the plots aimed at undermining our national project and calling for escalation of popular resistance everywhere.