The occupation forces raided separate areas in Bethlehem and arrested 6 young men

The occupation forces raided separate areas in Bethlehem and arrested 6 young men

The occupation forces launched a raid and sweeping campaign in several locations in the city of Bethlehem during the arrest of six young men, this Sunday.

The occupation forces stormed Aida camp, north of Bethlehem, and raided and searched a number of houses, in addition to abusing their people. They also arrested the two young men, Muhammad Al-Badawneh and Anas Abu Shaira.

The village of Haramala was stormed to the east, and the youth, Wajih Atallah, was arrested.

The occupation forces arrested late last night three young men at the entrance to the town of Beit Fajjar, south of the city, and an Israeli spokesman claimed that he found in the possession of detainees a number of Molotov cocktails.