The occupation forces closed the entrances to the villages of Markaz and Janba in Masafer Yatta

The occupation forces closed the entrances to the villages of Markaz and Janba in Masafer Yatta

Today, Saturday, the Israeli occupation forces closed the entrances to the villages of Janba and Al Markaz and Bedouin communities in  Masafer Yatta  , south of Hebron, isolating them from their surroundings.

According to press sources, the occupation forces closed, with earth mounds, the entrances to the villages of Jinba and Al Markaz, and prevented citizens from entering or leaving them, except through iron gates installed in the area.

The occupation authorities had threatened the residents a few days ago, to detain or seize any vehicle moving in that area, and to impose a fine on its driver.

The people of Masafer Yatta suffer from the threat of permanent forced displacement in favor of the settlements established on their lands, and they are exposed to almost daily violations by the occupation forces and settlers, which are the demolition of their homes, the chasing and beating of shepherds, and the burning of their agricultural crops. They are also prevented from accessing their lands because of military training.