The occupation forces arrest 3 civilians and raided separate neighborhoods in Hebron

The occupation forces arrest 3 civilians and raided separate neighborhoods in Hebron

The occupation forces arrested, today, Tuesday, three citizens from Al-Aroub camp in Hebron.

Local sources told the official agency that the occupation soldiers arrested Jabr Wael Al-Badawi, Mamoun Rashad Abu Joudeh and Malik Raed Sweilem.

The soldiers raided separate neighborhoods in Hebron, the towns of Idna, Yatta and Deir Samet, and erected several military checkpoints at the entrances to the towns of Sa´ir and Halhul, and at the entrance to the northern city of Hebron, Jura, in Hals, and stopped vehicles, searched them, and checked citizens ’cards, which impeded their movement, according to the official agency.