The occupation destroys a residential building in Bir Aoun on the pretext of not authorizing

The occupation destroys a residential building in Bir Aoun on the pretext of not authorizing

Bulldozers belonging to the Israeli occupation municipality demolished a residential building in the Bir Aoun area of ​​Beit Jala on Tuesday morning, under the pretext of lack of authorization.

Israeli forces stormed the area with municipal crews, in addition to two bulldozers.

The building is owned by al-Mahamiya in his name Issa, where she said the demolition was inhumane and immoral. She explained that she tried to obtain a permission for the building, but the Jerusalem municipality denied, arguing that the area forbids construction.

The lawyer added that she had received the demolition decision from the Israeli Civil Administration, the justices of the peace, the central and then the high Courts in Jerusalem. She said she refused to implement their decision regarding the demolition of the building on April 1 April.

She had learned from Israeli sources that she would be fined 300,000 shekels if the demolition was not carried out.

The Israeli authorities have demolished 42 facilities since the beginning of this year, 30 housing units and 12 others, according to statistics