The occupation continues to expel the olive pickers from their lands in Qaryut

The occupation continues to expel the olive pickers from their lands in Qaryut

The Israeli occupation forces continued to prevent Palestinians from harvesting olives in the lands of Qaryut, south of Nablus.

According to Bashar al-Qaryouti, the Israeli occupation forces expelled the farmers from their lands in the northwest region and prevented them from picking the olives, under the pretext that it was a closed military zone, and fired tear gas and tear gas canisters at them.

He pointed to the occupation forces´ new methods of suppressing and terrorizing the citizens, by placing sound bombs inside the bedspreads left by the citizens in the olive fields at night, to explode when citizens try to open the mattresses in the morning.

He explained that the occupation prevents citizens from picking olives in this area, which is within areas (B), which does not need to coordinate to reach them.

He said confronting these measures needs to join efforts to support the farmers of Qaryut to break this decision, which the occupation is trying to impose on them, because the results will be dire and dangerous, as this area of ​​more than 700 dunums is the only remaining area of ​​Qaryut within areas (B).

He said: "We have mobilized all institutions to go to Qaryut to pick olives despite the occupation and its measures towards farmers."

He stressed that declaring the occupation of this area a closed military zone means annexing it to areas (C) and canceling all agreements signed with the Palestinian Authority.

He pointed out that this decision comes at a time when the Palestinian government decided to strengthen the steadfastness of citizens in areas (C) and not to submit to the measures of occupation.

He said: "So far we are still in areas (B) and subjected to repression and expulsion, how will it be when we move to areas (C)?".