The occupation attacks the young men in door al-Amud in Jerusalem

The occupation attacks the young men in door al-Amud in Jerusalem

Tonight, the Israeli occupation forces attacked young men leaving the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque after Tarawih prayers, upon their arrival at Al-Amoud Gate, one of the main gates of Old Jerusalem.

And local sources reported that the occupation forces assaulted the youths, prevented them from sitting around the Damascus Gate, and fired stun grenades and tear gas at them.

It is noteworthy that these confrontations erupted for the second day in a row, as clashes erupted yesterday in the same place during which 5 Jerusalemites were arrested, in conjunction with the increase in the Israeli attacks on the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque by preventing the entry of breakfast meals to fasting people and preventing the raising of the call to prayer in the mosque´s four minarets.