The occupation approves the construction of 3,212 other settlement units

The occupation approves the construction of 3,212 other settlement units

The so-called Planning and Building Council of the so-called Civil Administration approved the Israeli occupation, Thursday evening, to build 3,212 settlement units in various settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

According to the website of the Hebrew newspaper "Israel Hayom", this plan, which has been approved, comes as a continuation of the plan announced yesterday with 2,166 other units, bringing the total number to 5,400 settlement units.

The plan was approved eight months after the committee abstained from meeting due to a political matter, as a result of the American opposition.

This is the largest record in recent years of construction, and the scheme had to be approved in advance.

The Yesha Settlements Council said that efforts made by settler leaders pushed for the resumption of construction again, stressing the need not to use construction in settlements as a bargaining chip in any peace agreements.

He stressed the need to continue building freely without political conditions or approvals.

For its part, Peace Now said that 2020 is the peak year for strengthening construction plans in settlements, and that more than 90% of construction takes place in isolated settlements that are supposed to be evacuated under any future agreements.

According to the movement, 12,159 settlement units have been built so far in 2020, of which 11,091 are in isolated settlements, or about 91.2%, while 8.8% of the units will be built in settlements that the Geneva Accord model will be able to include as part of the land swap.

She indicated that this building is the record in construction since at least 2012.