The New York Times is testing: Democratic candidates are reluctant to criticize Israel

The New York Times is testing: Democratic candidates are reluctant to criticize Israel

The New York Times tested the Democrats´ willingness to criticizeize Israel and concluded that only a handful of the 21 candidates were willing to criticizeize Israel clearly and without justification.

The newspaper published video series Wednesday, interviews the questions posed to the aspirants for the Democratic Party´s presidential election nomination, and among the questions asked, the question about "If Israel implements international human rights standards", in what was described as an attempt to test their willingness to voice criticism "Most of them have avoided from doing so," she said.

However, the video clips themselves showed that many of them face criticism of Israel or cautious Houdoha on the "return" to the preservation of human rights.

And some of them expressed concern about the declaration of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has recently expressed support for the expansion of Israeli law to the West Bank settlements, which is considered a form of de facto annexation.

The newspaper said 21 candidates - with the exception of former US Vice President Joe Biden, who refused to participate - asked: "Do you think Israel meets international human rights standards?" "We thought that this question would test the willingness of the Democrats to criticize Israel, and we found that few candidates are willing to do so."

"The views of the Democratic Party vis-a-vis Israel are constantly changing," she said. "President Trump has redefined the US role in the region and a young generation of Liberal and Progressive Democrats is skeptical about the continued support of Democrats for Israel´s security policies. Varying.

The Independent Senator from Vermont and the only Jewish candidate, Bernie Sanders, responded to the question by saying, "I have serious concerns about Netanyahu´s role" in undermining Israel´s standards of human rights. "The role of the United States must be to work with all entities in the region, including the Palestinians, and to do so in a fair manner."

"I think Israel is not working to ensure human rights," said New York Mayor Bill de Palazzo, one of Israel´s most hard-line supporters, "so much that can be done ... The current Israeli government has made many mistakes that have hampered the peace process."

"Israel is in a very difficult area," said Illinois Senator Elizabeth Warren, who occupies the second place in the race behind Biden. While urging the need to work with Israel, a "strong ally" and a "liberal democracy," she said, Warren also said the United States "encourages our ally in the way we encourage a good friend to move towards peace negotiations."

It may be viable for a week, or for a month, but it is not in the long-term interests of the Israelis or the Palestinians, "she said.

Sanders and Warren were among the Democratic presidential candidates who condemned Netanyahu´s pledge before the April 9 Israeli elections to annex all Jewish settlements in the West Bank and reiterated their opposition to the annexation of West Bank settlements earlier this month. The senators supported a bill condemning any Such a plan.

The mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Bettingidge House, described Israel´s human rights record as "problematic and going in the wrong direction under the current right-wing government."

"I am very concerned, especially after the recent talk about the annexation of the West Bank, that the Government of Israel is moving away from peace in a way that is damaging in the long run.

Earlier this month, he warned that Israel´s annexation of West Bank settlements could offset US aid cuts to the Jewish state if he were elected president in 2020.

"We have a problem now in America with the way we discuss issues related to Israel," said Senator Currie Booker of New Jersey. He urged recognition of Israeli security concerns and pledged "to affirm the dignity of the Palestinian people and their right to self-determination." "I think we can go back to Policies that affirm the two-state solution and human rights. "

"I understand that Israel is trying to meet international human rights standards, and I know it can do a better job," said Texas State Congressman Bettou O´Rourke.

"There are some challenges with Israel (in the human rights record) that must be addressed," said Tulsi Gabard, a Hawaii congresswoman.