The latest leaks on the Apple smart glasses

The latest leaks on the Apple smart glasses

Since Apple announced its intention to develop smart glasses to compete with Google and Microsoft glasses, leaks related to this matter have become a concern for modern technology enthusiasts.

According to blogger John Prosser, who is known for his expectations about electronic devices and their technologies, Apple plans to unveil the first generation of its smart glasses in June this year, and this announcement may be delayed until September due to the current conditions related to the conditions of the electronics market in light of the spread of the Corona epidemic.

And unlike the leaks that had spread last year around this pair of glasses that it might come with a structure as large as virtual reality glasses, the latest leaks indicate that it will be similar to the ordinary glasses worn by some every day.

It is assumed that the distinctive frame of this eyeglasses allows its user to replace its basic lenses and install medical lenses that dispense with the use of other eyeglasses in case he has vision problems, and this electronic masterpiece will also obtain techniques that allow some data on the glass of the lenses off the user’s eye, and in a way that allows the owner of the eyeglasses Unit seeing that data.

And that this glasses will rely on data processing on the iPhone or iPad that you will connect to wirelessly, it will be free of complicated processors, which will positively affect its price, as it is expected to be sold at only $ 500, making it almost three times cheaper than its competitor produced by Google.