The latest developments in the spread of the new Corona virus in the world

The latest developments in the spread of the new Corona virus in the world

What comes the latest developments related to the spread of the new Corona virus in the world, Friday, in light of the latest figures, new measures and notable events:

The United States has become the sixth country to approve a vaccine manufactured by the US-German Pfizer / Bionic Alliance, after Britain, Canada, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Mexico.

The first dose will be given on Saturday, according to Donald Trump, while a massive logistical operation will be launched in the coming hours, to distribute the vaccine throughout the country. Initially, the country will rely on about 3 million doses out of 100 million previously purchased.

The United States is the country with the largest number of deaths (295,539) and injuries (15,85 million) since the beginning of the outbreak. But as for its population (89 deaths per 100,000 people), it is less affected than countries such as Belgium (154), Peru (111), Italy (105), Spain (102) and the United Kingdom (94), according to an AFP census on Saturday at 11 o´clock. , 00 GMT.

Peru has temporarily stopped, as a precaution, the clinical trials of a vaccine developed by the Chinese laboratory Sinopharma after the discovery of neurological problems in a volunteer.

The experiments were due to end this week, after testing was carried out on about 12,000 people. In the event that the results, which will not be known before the middle of 2021, are positive, the Peruvian government will buy about 20 million doses to vaccinate two-thirds of its population.

The Covid-19 epidemic has so far claimed more than 1.59 million lives out of nearly 71 million infections, and it is especially active in Europe and the United States. During the past week, about three quarters of the global injuries were recorded in these two regions.

On Friday, Brazil crossed the threshold of 180,000 deaths from Covid-19, according to the latest report of the Ministry of Health, which indicated that 646 deaths from the virus were recorded during the past twenty-four hours.

As for its population, Brazil has a death rate comparable to France (85 per 100,000 inhabitants).

On Thursday, far-right President Jair Bolsonaro ignored the second wave of the virus, saying that Brazil was in the "end of the pandemic" stage.

China imposed a closure in a city in the north of the country and launched a large-scale testing campaign in another city, both of which are close to the Russian border after a new infection with the Corona virus was detected in each of them.

In Dongning, a forty-year-old man working in the port was injured, while in Suifinhe, a thirty-nine-year-old worker in a commercial area for import and export was injured, the authorities said.

The Dongying authorities announced that they had placed the city in a "wartime situation" as all transportation had been stopped, and every person wishing to leave the city had to present an examination dating back to the past 24 hours to prove that he did not carry the virus.

In the most vulnerable areas, only one person per household is allowed out every two days for a maximum of two hours to shop.

In Siwifenhi, which has not decided to impose a lockdown, it has launched a large-scale testing campaign, which will be completed within three days.

South Korea´s health authorities called for limiting interactions, after the number of infections increased, especially in the Seoul region.

While the number of new daily infections ranged between 500 and 600 days ago, it exceeded 950 Friday, including 669 in the Seoul region, which includes half of the country´s population of 52 million.

"This is a final obstacle that must be overcome before vaccines and treatments arrive," South Korean President Moon Jae-in said in a statement, describing the situation as "extremely dangerous."