The latest developments in the new epidemic of Corona in the world

The latest developments in the new epidemic of Corona in the world

The following are the latest developments in the outbreak of the Corona virus, which has taken place in the world, from the latest results of infections and deaths and the most recent measures and notable developments:

More than 900 million people around the world have been invited by the authorities of their countries to have a home syndrome, according to an Agence France-Presse database.

The majority of these people are subject to compulsory home quarantine measures. As for the others, they are subject to curfews, quarantine, or non-injurious calls not to leave homes.

In the United States, 30% of the population is required to quarantine to varying degrees. In Britain, the government asked one and a half million people from the most vulnerable groups to stay home for three months.

Iraq announced a curfew over the entire territory of the country.

In Latin America, Bolivia followed the example of Venezuela, Argentina and El Salvador by imposing a quarantine on the population on Sunday, with Colombia to join it on Tuesday.

In Brazil, home quarantine will be imposed on residents of the state of São Paulo for a period of fifteen days from Tuesday.

In Africa, general quarantine measures are universal in Tunisia and Rwanda.

More than 308 thousand and 130 infections have been recorded in 170 countries and regions since the outbreak of the epidemic that claimed 13,444 people worldwide, according to a toll prepared by AFP on Sunday at 12:00 GMT.

Italy tops the list of countries most affected by the emerging coronavirus, with 4,825 deaths out of 53 thousand and 578 confirmed cases (including 6,000 cures). China is 3261 deaths out of 81 thousand and 54 injuries, including 72 thousand and 244 cures.

Other affected countries include Iran, which recorded 1685 deaths out of 21 thousand and 638 declared injuries, Spain with 1720 deaths out of 28 thousand and 572 injuries, France with 562 deaths out of 14 thousand and 459 injuries, and the United States with 340 deaths out of 26 thousand and 747 infection.

Italy halted all non-essential production activities to ensure the availability of essential products, and tightened the rules of home quarantine with all green spaces closed.

As for Australia, which closed its borders to non-resident foreigners, it asked residents to cancel their trips within the country, except for professional transportation, transportation of basic foodstuffs and humanitarian missions.

In France, the authorities imposed additional restrictions on traffic and a curfew in several cities in the south of the country. It will also prevent flights from the French mainland to the provinces and regions overseas, from midnight on Monday.

In Asia, the Thai government took a series of new measures that include the closure of a large number of commercial centers in the capital, Bangkok, with the exception of supermarkets and food stores, days after the closure of schools and entertainment sites.

Millions of Indians are subject to a curfew in a pilot measure.

As for Nigeria, which has two hundred million people, it has tightened prevention measures, including in particular the closure of two international airports.

Cuba plans to stop receiving tourists as of Tuesday, giving up a major currency source.

Côte d´Ivoire and Burkina Faso also closed their borders, as were Rwanda and the Republic of the Congo.

As for Brazil, it will close its borders from Monday on travelers from Europe, Australia and several Asian countries.

Romania has banned entry to its territory of large numbers of foreigners.