The Israeli Prosecution Prosecution grants soldiers a license to execute Palestinians without accountability

The Israeli Prosecution Prosecution grants soldiers a license to execute Palestinians without accountability

 The Israeli Military Prosecution has closed three new investigation files, which examined the circumstances of the execution of Israeli soldiers by Palestinian citizens.

The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, B´Tselem, confirmed that its investigations into the three files of the execution of ´Ali Omar Nimer Qinu (17 years) from Iraq Burin village in Nablus governorate, and Laith Haitham Fathi Abu Na´im (16 years) from Al-Mughayer village in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Yassin Omar Suleiman al-Sardih, 35, from the Jericho governorate, soon after it took place in early 2018, showed that her circumstances did not necessarily call for murder.

"In the end, after a long delay, these investigations ended with a blanket as usual," the center said in a statement on Wednesday.

The closure of the files of the investigation into the three killings was not a mistake but an integral part of the policy pursued by the military prosecution for many years, which is why B´Tselem announced in 2016 that it will not cooperate with the military law enforcement.

The Center added that these three files joined "from the beginning of 2018 after the completion of the blurring of facts, to the hundreds of other blurring files accumulated over the years, and that the experience of B´Tselem for 25 years trying to push towards the adoption of a policy of accountability and accountability proved that the military prosecution It is not concerned with fact-finding and redress to victims as much as obscuring the facts, and that the primary purpose of the existence of this body is to protect those involved in killing and injuring Palestinians.

"The prosecution is an organ that is incapable of any fair and equitable performance, and this is evident from the mere definition of its function, that is, to examine the performance of soldiers in the field only, without being subjected to the performance of senior officials and policymakers." It also relies almost exclusively on the statements of suspects from the security forces, and that the Field Affairs Prosecution closes the investigation files due to lack of evidence or because of their conclusion based on the statements of the soldiers involved.

"We are not talking here about the failure of an in-kind investigation here or there or the failure of this investigator or another to perform his job. It is the failure of the agency as a whole, the law enforcement agency, which realizes that its performance in this way gives soldiers a license to break the law without being held accountable, held accountable or punished." , Which allows to continue shooting with the aim of killing without justification. "