The Israeli army is attacking a Palestinian school and arresting three of its requests.

The Israeli army is attacking a Palestinian school and arresting three of its requests.

Bethlehem _ Palestine News Network

The Israeli occupation army raided a Palestinian school Thursday in the town of al-Khader in Bethlehem, south of occupied Jerusalem, and arrested three students from their places of study.

The school secretary  "Male Saeed El-AAs", Younis Ghunim, said that a military force of the Israeli occupation army had stormed the school yards and proceeded to fire tear gas canisters towards the classroom, while a group of students were present in it to provide supplementary examinations.

Al-Ghneim added that Israeli soldiers stormed the classrooms in the school and arrested the students; Hamza Khaled Salah and Ibrahim Issa; both in ninth grade and 15 years of age, as well as Mohammed Khaled Salah; a sixth-grade student, aged 11.

He pointed out that the three children had been taken by the occupying forces to the Israeli "army" in the south of Bethlehem, without mentioning the reasons for their arrest.

The Israeli army continues its war against Palestinian students, targeting their schools, denying them access to them, breaking into them and arresting some of their requests, under various pretexts, including the alleged stone-throwing of their troops.