The first Iraqi oil shipments will arrive in Jordan tomorrow

The first Iraqi oil shipments will arrive in Jordan tomorrow

Jordanian Minister of Energy Hala Zawati announced the start of loading the first trucks of Iraqi crude oil exported to the Kingdom by land by Sunday by 10 thousand barrels per day, while the Kingdom´s need of oil per day is 150 Thousand barrels.

Zawati said in a press statement that the first trucks will start on Sunday from the (Baiji station) in Kirkuk and is expected to arrive at the oil refinery in the city of Zarqa on Tuesday, ushering in the implementation of the memorandum of understanding between Jordan and Iraq signed on the second of February last, to import crude oil Iraqi (Kirkuk crude oil).

Zawati stressed the importance of this step in meeting part of the Kingdom´s annual needs of crude oil, and no more than 10 thousand barrels per day, accounting for 7% of these needs, can be increased in the coming period as agreed by both sides.

Zawati described the move as launching a new phase of economic cooperation between Jordan and Iraq.