The European Union is preparing to open its borders and a health regulator is pessimistic about the global situation of corona

The European Union is preparing to open its borders and a health regulator is pessimistic about the global situation of corona

The European Union is preparing for the epidemic of Covid-19, on Tuesday, to publish the list of countries from which expatriates will be allowed to enter the European Union, but the World Health Organization confirms that the global outlook remains Bleak and calls for "anticipation of the worst".

After days of negotiations, the qualified European Union countries will vote, unless there are difficulties at the last minute, on the decision to reopen their borders as of July 1 for nationals of about 15 countries outside the Union whose epidemic situation is considered good. This rule excludes the United States in particular.

The Union sets several criteria for the inclusion of a country on this list, especially since the rate of new infections is close to or less than 16 out of every hundred people (which is the rate in the European Union) in the past fourteen days.

But this improvement should not be deceived in Europe: the World Health Organization warned Monday that globally, the epidemic that crossed the two symbolic thresholds - more than half a million deaths and ten million injuries - is "far from its end" and even "accelerating" .

"We all want this to end. But the difficult reality is that it is far from over," said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanum Gebresos.

The virus continues to spread widely in South America and the United States, and appears to be re-emerging in China. Gebrissos warned that in light of "a divided world" and "a lack of national unity and global solidarity, (...) stay tuned for the worst."

Next week, WHO will send a team to China, where the new Corona virus appeared in December to better identify its source and understand it.

The director of the organization called on governments and citizens to develop "simple solutions" with the aim of "saving lives now." He called on governments to "conduct checks, track, isolate and quarantine the injured."

The new corona virus has killed at least 502,599 people, according to a census conducted by Agence France-Presse according to official sources as of 19:00 GMT Monday. Since the start of the outbreak, more than 10.2 million people in 196 countries and regions have been officially infected with the virus.

The number of deaths registered doubled in less than two months (250,000 on May 5), with an additional fifty thousand recorded in the last ten days of the world.

These figures only reflect part of the actual number of injuries, as many countries only perform the most serious cases, while other countries give priority to conducting tests to track contacts of the injured, while a number of poor countries have limited examination capabilities.

Europe has counted the continent most affected by the epidemic, 196,428 deaths out of 2,660,794 injuries, while the number of declared deaths in the United States and Canada reached 134,538 (2,667,981 injuries). In Latin America and the Caribbean, 112,321 deaths (2,491,030 injuries), Asia 33,689 deaths (1,251,153 injuries), the Middle East 15,819 deaths (743,172 injuries) and Africa 9,671 deaths (385,166 injuries) and Oceania 133 deaths (9,244 injuries).

The United States is the country worst affected by the epidemic in terms of deaths (126,123) and the number of injuries (2,587,154). Although the number of daily deaths decreased slightly in June compared to the previous month, the rate of infection increases in thirty out of fifty states, especially in the largest and most populous states (California, Texas and Florida).

Broadway theaters in New York, which were closed in March, will not open before January 2021.

In Britain, where the epidemic has killed 43,575 people and GDP is expected to decline this year by more than 10%, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will unveil a major economic plan on Tuesday similar to the plan developed by former US President Franklin Roosevelt to stimulate Britain´s economy.

In a speech in Dudley (center), Johnson will announce, according to excerpts released by his office, that "reconstruction will be better, closer to the environment and at a faster pace."

He plans to allocate five billion pounds (5,4 billion euros) in infrastructure projects.

On Monday evening, the government announced the tightening of isolation in Leicester due to the high number of cases in this city in central England, the first to be imposed on local measures.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron called on the two countries during their meeting with European countries to reach an agreement on the rise of the European Union starting from the European summit in July.

"We are facing economic challenges that we have not seen in decades, probably during history," the chancellor said.

She added, "We hope to reach a solution" starting from the European summit on July 17 and 18, which will address the adoption of the plan to advance the value of 750 billion euros proposed by the European Commission "even if the road is still long."

China, which is home to the city of Wuhan, where the epidemic originated in the center of the country, believed that it had eradicated the virus, but it reappeared in mid-June in Beijing. The authorities closed schools and imposed isolation on thousands of people for containing it.

Beijing gave the green light to use a vaccine against the newborn Corona against soldiers, which was developed by a military research unit and the Kansino Biologics pharmaceutical company.

Scientists from Chinese universities published Monday in an American scientific journal a study describing a strain of swine flu virus that was discovered in China and shows characteristics that could cause a pandemic in the future.

This virus, which is genetically called "G4", is the H1N1 strain that caused the 2009 pandemic. The researchers say it has "all the essential characteristics of a great adaptation to human infection."

In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that his country is preparing for a second wave "that may strike hard". The province of Quebec records more than half of the country´s 103,000 injuries and deaths, 8,600.

On the other hand, South Korea continues to return to normalcy, as the country managed to control the situation by adopting an extensive examination strategy and tracking contacts of infected persons even without imposing mandatory isolation measures.