The European Union is concerned about the risks of Syria slipping into a "major international military confrontation"

The European Union is concerned about the risks of Syria slipping into a "major international military confrontation"

 European Union Foreign Minister Joseph Burrell announced on Friday that the European Union is concerned about "the dangers of a major international military confrontation" in Syria and will take "all necessary measures to protect its interests in the security field."

"It is necessary to stop the current escalation. There is a risk of sliding into a major open international military confrontation," he wrote on Twitter.

He added that "the European Union calls on all parties to quickly halt the escalation, and regrets all human losses."

He also said that the European Union will take "all necessary measures to protect its interests in the security field, and we are in contact with all parties concerned."

A senior Turkish official announced on Friday morning that Turkey would not prevent immigrants trying to reach Europe from crossing the border, after the killing of at least 33 Turkish soldiers in the Idlib region in northwestern Syria in air strikes attributed by Ankara to the Syrian regime´s forces backed by Russia.

Greece decided to reinforce its patrols on the border with Turkey after the announcement.