The European Union approves billions of dollars to help countries wishing to join it

The European Union approves billions of dollars to help countries wishing to join it

 European Union institutions announced Wednesday that they had approved aid worth 14.16 billion euros (17.3 billion dollars) for countries wishing to join the bloc during the period 2021-2027.

"The long-awaited agreement on our ambitious financial assistance is a positive, welcome and strong signal for the Western Balkans and Turkey," said EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhely.

These sums will provide financing for the western Balkan countries and thus help the economy of that region, he added.

Funds will be invested in improving connectivity, infrastructure, environment, climate, energy and the digital sector.

In addition to improving rapprochement with the European Union, the sums will bring "tangible benefits to citizens" in the candidate countries, namely Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.

The agreement must obtain final approval from the European Parliament and Council.