The death of the captive, Nour Al-Barghouthi, in the Negev Prison

The death of the captive, Nour Al-Barghouthi, in the Negev Prison

 At dawn today, the captive Nour Jaber Al-Barghouthi (23 years), from the town of Aboud, Ramallah district, was sentenced to dawn for eight years and he has been detained for nearly four years.

The Prisoners Club confirmed that the prisoner, Nour Jaber Al-Barghouthi, was subjected to severe fainting while in the bathroom in Section (25) in the "Negev Negev" prison, where the administration was late in transporting the prisoner and reviving him, which came after more than half an hour after his loss of consciousness, and finally responded After the takbeers and screams of prisoners in the section.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation authorities are still holding five bodies of the martyrs prisoners, namely: Anis Dawla who was martyred in Ashkelon prison in 1980, Aziz Owaisat, who was martyred in 2018, Faris Baroud, and Nasrat Taqatqa, and Bassam Al-Sayeh and three of them were martyred during the past year.