The Corona pandemic is entering a new, more dangerous phase than the first in the United States

The Corona pandemic is entering a new, more dangerous phase than the first in the United States

The coordinator of the task force tasked with confronting the Corona Virus pandemic at the White House, Dr. Deborah Perks, said on Sunday that the United States has entered a new stage by fighting the emerging corona virus.

Pyrex added to CNN that the virus is spreading more widely than it was during the past period, noting that what we are witnessing is different from what was last March and April.

It stated that the prevalence figures in rural areas and cities are similar.

Pyrex called on Americans to comply with public health instructions regarding the wearing of masks and social divergence, as this is important for stopping the spread of the virus.

The Center for Disease Control and Control, "CDC" expected that the number of deaths will increase to more than 173 thousand deaths by August 22.

"Most of the world´s population can be affected by the virus, even those who do not live in highly affected areas," the WHO said.

The United States is the country worst hit in terms of deaths and injuries, with 155,000 deaths out of 4.6 million injuries, according to Johns Hopkins University, while at least 1.4 million people have been cured.

The new figures come as Florida prepares to take on tropical storm Isaias, which is expected to turn into a hurricane as it approaches the southeastern part of the state swept by Covid-19.

In the face of the hurricane, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared that it is better to "just take shelter" than to send people to overcrowded shelters where it is difficult to maintain social estrangement, unless the situation becomes more threatening, he said.