The bulldozers of the occupation uprooted olive trees and bulldozed operations west of Azzun

The bulldozers of the occupation uprooted olive trees and bulldozed operations west of Azzun

 Israeli bulldozers uprooted several perennial olive trees near the military post and control tower in al-Mantar area, west of the town of Azzun, adjacent to bypass road No. 55.
Eyewitnesses reported that a large military bulldozer, accompanied by other military equipment, uprooted perennial olive trees and bulldozed the area around the military point, on Friday noon, and an intensive presence of the occupying forces allegedly throwing stones at a settler vehicle that was traveling on the bypass road adjacent to the town from the north.
The occupation surrounds Azzun with six security and agricultural gates and two observation towers, in addition to surveillance cameras at the northern entrance and the extension of the area adjacent to the bypass road, in addition to daily incursions and arrest campaigns.