Tel Aviv allows the reception of a thousand Jews "Falasha "

Tel Aviv allows the reception of a thousand Jews  "Falasha "

TEL Aviv _ Agencies

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared that a thousand Jews from the "Falasha " Ethiopians have been allowed to migrate to the occupied Palestinian territories.

"Falasha " says they are of Jewish origin, but in Ethiopia they were forced to convert to Christianity during the 19th century.

On its website, the Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharanot" quoted Netanyahu as saying: "We will allow the emigration of a thousand falasha whose children live in Israel."

Netanyahu admitted during a meeting of a ministerial committee discussing the difficulties of integrating Ethiopian Jews into Israeli society, by dealing racially with Jews  "Falasha ", stressing that he would fight that phenomenon.

Some 80,000 Ethiopian Jews migrated to "Israel " in 1984 and 1991, currently numbering 140,000.

In recent years, there has been a series of demonstrations organized by the "Falasha " against racism and discrimination that they say they face in Israeli society.