Surprise ... German police find a missing child from 2017 in the home of a porn photographer

Surprise ... German police find a missing child from 2017 in the home of a porn photographer

German police found a 15-year-old boy who had been missing since 2017 while searching the home of a person suspected of being involved in distributing pornographic images of children in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia last week, according to an agency Bloomberg.

The boy was missing after he disappeared from a youth shelter in June 2017 and has not been seen since.

The police detained a 44-year-old man on suspicion of distributing child pornography.

The boy was placed under police protection.

It was not clear when the boy would return to his family, as the police said, "A decision about what happens to the child will be a medical decision, not a decision for the police alone."

In addition to the boy´s unexpected discovery, the police confiscated several boxes with electronic devices from the home of the suspected child pornographer.