Suffocation suffocation during confrontations with the occupation in Hebron

Suffocation suffocation during confrontations with the occupation in Hebron

Dozens of Palestinian citizens suffocated, today, Thursday, as a result of the outbreak of confrontations with the occupation forces in Hebron (south of the occupied West Bank), rejecting the Israeli annexation plan.

Local sources said that clashes erupted in the "Bab Al-Zawiya" area between the occupation and the Palestinian youth, denouncing the occupation plan for annexing occupied Palestinian lands, and the practices of settlers against the citizens in Hebron.

She added that the occupation forces used rubber bullets and tear gas canisters to disperse the march, in which dozens participated.

The Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs, and tear gas towards the angry youths, resulting in suffocation injuries between them.

The Palestinian youths, in turn, threw stones at the Israeli forces, setting fire to rubber tires.

The occupation government was to announce the start of the annexation plan for large areas of the occupied West Bank, on Wednesday (1 July), according to what was previously announced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

But the ambiguity surrounds Netanyahu´s position, especially in light of the international rejection, and the differences within his government and the American administration on the issue, while observers stressed that the delay is tactical, and that it aims to dismantle the Arab-Palestinian position and neutralize Jordan on the issue of annexing the valley.

The official and popular Palestinian rejection of the Israeli annexation plan is escalating, along with international warnings that it will eliminate the possibility of resolving the conflict according to the principle of two states.