Suffocation injuries during clashes with the occupation army in Kafr Qaddum East

Suffocation injuries during clashes with the occupation army in Kafr Qaddum East

Dozens of civilians, including children, were suffocated during confrontations with the occupation army in the town of Kafr Qaddum, east of Qalqilya, today, Saturday.

The Coordinator of the Popular Resistance in Kafr Qaddum, Murad Shteiwi, stated in a press statement that violent confrontations erupted after the occupation army stormed the town after the launch of a march denouncing the settlement, which was suppressed by the occupation with the heavy use of tear gas canisters, which led to dozens of suffocation injuries.

Shteiwi pointed out that this march will take place on Saturday, in addition to the organized march that was launched 10 years ago to demand the opening of the town street, which was closed by the occupation army in 2003.