Sudan expects a gradual decline in the levels of the Nile after an unprecedented wave of floods

Sudan expects a gradual decline in the levels of the Nile after an unprecedented wave of floods

 The Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources in Sudan expects that the levels of the Nile will gradually decrease as of today (Tuesday), while the country is witnessing an unprecedented flood for decades.

Sudanese Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources, Yasser Abbas, said at a press conference in Khartoum today, "From today, we will witness a gradual decrease in the Nile, and there will be no increase in the levels of the Nile in the coming days."

He pointed out that "the levels of the Nile recorded 17.65 cm today, compared to 17.67 cm yesterday."

Abbas explained that the abundant rainfall in the Ethiopian plateau is the main reason for the historic Nile flood.

The Sudanese minister denied that the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam was the cause of unprecedented floods in his country, and expected that no floods would occur in Sudan after the construction of the dam that would regulate the flow of the river is completed.

Sudan is witnessing an unprecedented flood of the Nile, which reached a higher level than in 1946 and 1988, when monitoring stations recorded the highest levels since the beginning of monitoring the river in 1902.

The Security and Defense Council in Sudan decided on September 5 to consider the country a natural disaster area and to declare a state of emergency for a period of three months due to the floods.

Every year, during the period from June to October, Sudan witnesses waves of torrential rains and floods.