Six prisoners continue their hunger strike, including the captive Labadi

Six prisoners continue their hunger strike, including the captive Labadi

Six prisoners in Israeli jails are continuing their hunger strike to refuse their administrative detention, Ahmed Ghannam, a hunger striker, has been on hunger strike for 78 days.

The 42-year-old prisoner from Dura, south of Hebron, has been on hunger strike for 78 days and has been in detention since June 2019.

He pointed out that Ismail Ali, 30, from Abu Dis town in Jerusalem, continues his strike for the 68th day and has been detained since February 2019.

Tariq Qadan, 46, from Jenin governorate, has been on strike for 61 days.

He joined the strike since September 24, captive Musab al-Hindi 29 years from the town of Tal in the governorate of Nablus, where he was arrested on September 4, 2019.

Ahmad Zahran, 42, from Deir Abu Mash´al village in Ramallah, joined the strike since 22 September. He is a former prisoner who spent a total of 15 years in Israeli detention.

Hiba al-Labadi, a 24-year-old Jordanian national, was arrested on her way to visit her family in Jenin. She was arrested while crossing the bridge. On 24 September.