Singer Zoe Kravitz marries her friend Carl Schlussmann

Singer Zoe Kravitz marries her friend Carl Schlussmann

 American singer and actress Zoe Cravenz, the daughter of singer Lenny Kravins, married actor Carl Glocman at her father´s home in Paris.

People magazine reported that the wedding was held on Saturday.

The concert was attended by Eddie Ridmain, his wife and actor Chris Payne, as well as actors Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Shylen Woodley and Lara Derrin, who are participating in the Big Little Lions.

The relationship between Zoe and Carl began in 2016, and Zoe announced her engagement from Karl in February 2018.

Zoe and Carl reportedly married earlier, but they are setting up the ceremony to remarry with family members and friends.