Signing a memorandum of understanding between the Jordanian and German armies

Signing a memorandum of understanding between the Jordanian and German armies

Jordan announced Thursday the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Jordanian and German armies to increase bilateral cooperation between them.

A statement by the Jordanian army stated that the memorandum signed by Chief of Staff Major General Yousef Al-Hunaiti and German Ambassador to Jordan Kampmann Bernhard aims to "increase cooperation in the fields of military training, joint exercises, defense industries, health services, military medicine, cybersecurity and professional development between the two parties."

The statement quoted Major General Hunaiti as saying that "the signing of the memorandum came within the framework of the Jordanian Armed Forces´ endeavor to enhance aspects of military cooperation of common interest, exchange experiences and develop defense capabilities with all brotherly and friendly countries," noting that "the Jordanian Armed Forces have a close relationship with the friendly German army." .

In turn, the German ambassador praised “the great role played by the Jordanian Armed Forces in its quest to achieve security and peace in the region and the world at large, through international partnerships with peacekeeping forces,” noting that this agreement “came as a result of the high efficiency and professionalism it enjoys.” And to enhance the fields of military cooperation between the two sides, to reach the highest levels between the two armies.

Jordan hosts German forces at the Azraq base in the east of the kingdom, as part of Germany´s contributions to the fight against terrorism since 2017.

Germany is the second largest supporter of Jordan, and there is an ongoing dialogue on increasing economic and investment cooperation, in addition to military and security cooperation in the face of terrorism, according to previous statements by Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi.

The German government had announced the provision of development aid to Jordan worth 394.3 million euros, according to the minutes of the annual Jordanian-German governmental talks on development cooperation for the year 2020.

This aid will be disbursed to finance priority development projects in the sectors of education, water and sanitation, renewable energy, vocational training, technical education and the environment, projects within the Jordanian response plan to the Syrian crisis, and others in response to the challenges resulting from the Corona crisis.